Michael Renkel Tag

Michael Renkel, street photography

The myth of the individual artist hero, of the brilliant idea springing forth from the personified mastermind, survives obstinately despite the fact that creative production in science, economics and the fine arts has in the meantime developed into something more context-related, something originating in teamwork....

Michael Renkel, street photography

"Furthermore, when we speak the word "life”, it must understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach. And if there is still one hellish, truly accursed thing...

Michael Renkel, street photography

Radical plurality published in the german new music magazine Positionen ( #43 ) Concept: Instead of a search for consensus which ultimately ends in uniformity, discord and radical plurality are the ingredients that determine the group. What matters is not a struggle for unity, but the creation...

Michael Renkel NomosAlto Partiturseite

see video here I perceive the outside world surrounding me as an unforeseen self-motion of the "projection surface: world"; Perceptions as results of thinking, consciousness or interpretation not as their prerequisite. Signs as reduction and attempt of objectification in a generally flowing movement. As a consequence of this thought...

m. renkel_street photography

The Montaigne Project boundary crossings - an approach to an essayistic music (listen to audio here) An observer is separated from the observed objects; individuals are separated from one another: the barrier. The observer affects the observed object with his attributes and conditions: a transition. There is nothing left if the attributes...

Activity Center photo by Ingo Scheffler

Michael Renkel: strings & percussion Burkhard Beins: percussion & strings Over the course of 25 years Activity Center has developed a unique style of musical performance. Their distinctive way to "create spontaneous compositional structures" has been referred to as "improvised sound art" as well as "hand-played musique...

Michael Renkel & Sven Åke Johansson photo by Theresa Iten

Sven Åke Johansson, Michael Renkel : Kalte Welle 102, 13 Fragmente, Kning Disc (Sweden) Drummer Sven Åke Johansson has written elsewhere about the aesthetics of renouncement, about leaving out rather than putting in. This is a man who - for all the theatricality of some of...

photo by Christina Marx

Burkhard Beins: percussion, Johanne Braun: oboe, Gesine Conrad: cello, Volker Grewe: vibraphone, Bettina Junge: flute, Annette von der Mark: guitar, Sybille Ott-Kohm: piano Albas was written during a one year residence 1995 in France in Narbonne near the small village of Albas. The titel of the composition refers...